The power of 'No'

As simple as this two letter word is, many people are in a tight situation, are about to get into one or have been in one because of not knowing how to utilise the word. Looking back at your life, imagine how your story would have turned out at certain points if you had mustered the courage to say no. Relationships 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: 'Bad company always corrupts good morals (character). There are certain people, programs or activities which by not saying 'no' to, you will lose who you really are. That which you spend much time focused on you will be transformed into it's likeness. If you spend time with someone or with music filled with swearing and vulgarities, before you know it these traits will rub off on you. There are certain paths you should not walk on, avoid them and move on. Studies Take it from me...I saved myself from a lot of strain and pressure by deciding to say no when I was being directed to go a certain route for my s...