important skill every person needs in life

Having worked for different companies, in different industries, on different projects, for different clients, with different people...there are some skills I've found to be VERY IMPORTANT (applicable in the business ventures I've been/am involved in).
1) Project Management (Time, Quality and Cost)
2) Research & Analysis 
3) Writing 
4) Presentation 
5) Selling 
The chief skill amongst these for me is SELLING and it is most often the most overlooked...especially by people who are not in business. Selling is not just about trying to convince someone (customer) to part with their money for something (product and/or service). 
Whenever you are trying to convince someone to adopt a particular viewpoint/ perspective- that is selling. When you begin to see selling through this've bought into what I'm selling you :)
Often you hear people saying, "I'm not buying into what you are saying," or others saying "I need everyone's buy-in for this to work."
When you apply for a a job, for a raise, place at university, a homeloan, for a promotion etc... You are selling. Whenever you need to motivate why something should be done for you, this is a sales process underway.
It didn't start automatically for me to understand all this. I had to receive some knocks, get guidance and mentorship, read a lot, implement and adapt etc in order to get to where I am today...and there is still more I'm learning.


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