Business opportunities are everywhere...even in the most unlikely places

Being an avid reader and also one who is passionate about business, whenever I come across stories which show creativity and ingenuity- I can't but acknowledge such exploits. 1) Lere's Shoe Shine As a frequent traveller, I get to pass through the airport a number of times and something one never can miss after passing through the security check are the gentlemen doing shoe shine. All the times I see them I am impressed by the simple yet profitable venture. Same way there are quick massage, manicure and pedicure stations at airports, the shoe shine booths are a most welcome addition for mainly business travellers. Today I was even more impressed when I read the profile of the founder of the shoe shine stalls located at the South African airports. Lere Mgayiya owns and runs Africa's largest shoe shining business with a turnover of over R2.5 million per annum. After having dabbled in a number of ventures with different levels of success, he got his shoe :) in the ri...