Unsubscribe...Put it away

Most of us have a daily, weekly or monthly alert which comes via email. I get emails for mining industry, industrial development zones, personal coaching, personal health, home improvements etc. Today I was looking at a subscription I have to a mining industry publication which comes into my inbox and it got me thinking...I subscribed for this over 4 years ago when I was doing some research on the industry. Inasmuch I do enjoy reading about news from different sectors, the news was not relevant to the kind of work I am currently doing in the healthcare sector.

This line of questioning led me to realise there are many things which we are receiving in the ‘inbox’ of our minds and lives which we might have subscribed to some time ago. At the time what we might have been receiving might have been relevant to the time and season, but it is no longer relevant to where you are.

Since you are the one who initiated the subscription, those things will keep coming your way until you are deliberate in either adjusting what you are getting or totally unsubscribing. 1 Corinthians 13 v 11 “When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away (unsubscribe from) childish things.”

Thought patterns
Romans 12 v2 says “Do not be conformed to the standards of the world, but be transformed by the renewal of the mind.” You might be currently subscribed (conformed) to a particular way of doing things which is actually contrary to how God intends for you to live. There is need to unsubscribe to the standards of the world and subscribe to a new way of thinking.

At the time of doing research on the mining industry I needed to immerse myself with the goings on in the sector, something I do regardless of the industry. When I was doing research on Kenya and other countries I would actually read the daily newspaper for the particular country for me to become enmeshed with the environment. There are certain friendships which are past their ‘Sell By Date’ (they have expired) yet you keep holding onto them. Anytime you feel drained after spending time with a ‘friend’, when the friend only contacts you when they need something, when the friend can’t celebrate with your victories or be by your side in times of difficulties...it is time to unsubscribe.

You can never go beyond the limitations you have placed for yourself. If your excuse is I can’t do a, b or c because I am... (place your self-limiting belief on ...) then no matter the opportunities which might come your way you will never see them or you will see and not act on them. Age, race, gender, background, nationality etc can be excuses you use to stop yourself from advancing. The limitations might have developed by what you saw for a long time and reinforced by continued exposure. You therefore need to start exposing yourself to something different, write it and post it all around you. Say it out loud and embrace change- UNSUBSCRIBE!


  1. Thanks Tatenda for this useful and timely post. It's not always easy to unsubscribe because we hold on to the past and the memories of what used to be. This constant purging can seem somewhat brutal, particularly for the sentimental among us (here's pointing that finger right at myself), but, from reading your post, I can see why it's necessary. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. You're welcome Tafadzwa. It sure is not an easy thing to do. As cliche as it might sound- the only constant is change and we thus need to develop capacity to adjust and adapt to new realities. we are two fellows in one ship :) I get you loud and clear. thanks for taking time to read


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